Amrita Personal Health Record

health recordMarking yet another medical revolution in India there is now a way for ordinary citizens to take control of his/her life health record. Amrita Technologies have come up with portable Electronic Health Record stored in a pen drive, purely personal and protected, universally usable, designed to enable self-management of personal health. The medical records can be accessed anywhere by simply plugging it into a computer.

Amrita Technologies created this innovative product solution in close collaboration and involvement from various physicians, surgeons and medical personnel.  On seeing this product, Dr. Sanjiv Singh, Medical Administrator of the 1350 bed Super Specialty AIMS hospital in Kochi said “This product is easy to use and can be easily carried around by ordinary citizens.  We expect tremendous benefits for patients and hospitals alike by making this critical information made available when it is needed the most.”

“A person suffering from blood pressure, diabetes, cardiac problem, allergies or other ailments has an accident or emergency, if his or her medical records will be readily available, we can save so many lives.” This was Amma’s instruction when we started the initiative, recollects Pradeep Achan who heads Amrita Technologies.

Keeps you secured for ever
Traditionally health data is locked within the hospitals, doctors, and with disparate IT systems far from the direct reach of individuals. An easy to use portable application will now empower citizens and provide critical medical history data to physicians and hospitals when it is needed the most.
Some portion of the medical record can be publically viewable, as emergency medical record. Rest of information can be viewed only when the person unlocks the information based on his/her personal pass phrase. Person can upload his/her current medical records – either in standard documents formats (doc, pdf, jpg) or scan and upload his/her records in. Images like X-ray, Ultrasound, CT, etc can be uploaded in standardized JPG or DICOM medical format.  All details of consultations with various specialists, related investigations & other documents are saved in chronological order and can be seen in seconds.  The data can also be backed up in a PC in encrypted form.
Many a time details of past medical history play a critical role in right diagnosis & emergency treatment. In such cases having access to complete medical history, including previous diagnosis, medical prescriptions, test results, allergies, patient response to various treatments and drugs is extremely helpful.  In fact, many lives can be saved in critical casualty situations when this information is easily accessible with the click of a button.

Medical details in patients that require monitoring over a period of time, such as premature babies, diabetic patients and elderly people would be extremely useful in determining the right course of medical actions by doctors and health care providers. It would reduce medical errors and also help to save on medical expenses as unnecessary duplicate medical tests and prescriptions can be avoided.

health record It supports   ‘go-green’ initiatives reducing paper usage and can also significantly reduce administrative costs of disseminating clinical information, including telephone calls, faxes, mail and courier charges.

This product will be launched during  Amritavarsham60 and will soon be available across the country in various convenient shapes like bracelets, wrist-bands, key-chains, bangles.

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