20 – 22 October 2000, Waregem, Belgium
Belgium was a short drive from Germany. Local devotees and the travelling group worked together to transform the enormous room into a darshan hall. What a glorious surprise it was when Amma visited the dining room the night before the first programme. All those who were busy doing seva were blessed with a prasad dinner served by Amma herself. Amma even stayed to eat dinner with her “seva children” as she calls them. Most of them had not slept during the Devi Bhava in Bonn the night before, but they all forgot their fatigue as they watched Amma played with mesmerised delight. A very special feature of the Belgium Devi Bhava was the wedding of two close devotees. The Holy Mother beamed happily throughout the ceremony. After the Devi Bhava, she wasted no time in continuing her example of selfless service. When the inner temple curtains opened, Amma had already started the work of cleaning. She showed absolutely no strain, though she had just given darshan throughout the night.