Rosh HaShanah celebrated at Amritapuri

2 October 2024, Amritapuri Ashram

At the end of darshan, the Jewish New Year, Rosh HaShanah, was celebrated in the divine presence of Amma at Amritapuri Ashram. Devotees of the Jewish faith, residing in the ashram, gathered around Amma to mark this sacred occasion with love and devotion.

As part of the celebration, Amma poured honey onto apple slices, symbolizing the wish for a sweet and prosperous year ahead. The devotees had arranged the apple slices on a large plate, which Amma lovingly blessed. To uplift the spirits of the Jewish devotees, Amma sang the Hebrew bhajan, “Iswar Tume Daya Karo,” filling the atmosphere with divine vibrations.

Amma concluded the celebration by praying “Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu”—a universal prayer for peace and happiness for all beings, transcending faith and culture. It was a beautiful moment of unity, where Amma’s boundless compassion embraced all, bringing joy and sweetness to the occasion.


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