26 March — New Delhi — Bharata Yatra 2007
Sri. A.K. Antony, the Honourable Minister of Defence, was one of the dignitaries to welcome Amma to New Delhi. Antony has been a supporter of Amma since his tenure serving as Kerala’s Legistative Member.
“We are all fortunate to have among us Mata Amritanandamayi Devi,” Antony said to the full hall set up in Chitaranjan Park. “The life and work of Amma need no introduction. Her teachings are of universal appeal, transcending physical and geographical barriers. Through her work she endeavours to bring a meaningful difference to the lives of many less privileged, homeless and needy people. This is during the normal times. In the wake of natural disasters like tsunami of 2004, she has really provided succour to needy people all over the country.
Amma’s dedication to humanity holds a lesson for all of us: Indeed, there is no better religion than serving the poor and feeding the starved. I sincerely ask all of you to practice Amma’s noble ideas and ideals in your real life. We must endeavour to work individually as well as collectively to make even a small difference for the betterment of those around us. There is no better example than Amma to follow in this respect.”
Antony then helped Amma distribute sewing machines to 10 impoverished women from Delhi. The Ashram has been providing these machines throughout Amma’s Bharata Yatra in order to help financially empower such women. Amma also distributed checks to new enrolees in the Ashram’s lifetime pension program for widows and disabled people—Amrita Nidhi.