Chile programs of Swami Ramakrishnananda

8-9 September 2014, Chile

More than seven years ago Amma made her first trip to South America, landing first in Santiago, Chile. Even though so many years have passed one can feel her presence alive and well when you see how many people show up to attend Swami Ramakrishnananda’s programs there.

His first program there took place in the beautiful coastal town of Viña del Mar at the Hotel O’Higgins. It was Swami’s second visit to the city that lies a bit more than 100km away from the capital of Santiago. Close to 400 people filled the hotel ballroom and listened very attentively as Swami explained the subtle aspects of the human mind and personality.


The following day Swami held a program in the Club Providencia in the heart of Santiago. There were lots of familiar faces from Amma’s 2007 visit on hand amongst the more than 500 people who came and enthusiastically participated in all parts of Swami’s program. At the end of the evening several devotees stood up and unfurled a big banner saying “Amma vuele a Chile!”…asking Amma to please come back to Chile.

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