Waiting for Amma with open hearts….

Br. Shubamrita Chaitanya visited the Republic of South Africa for a series of programmes from April 6 to April 10, 2015.


The programme in Durban on April 6 was held at the Sita Ram Mandir, and on April 7th at the Shri Sanathan Mandal in Stanger. Mrs Shameen Thakur Rajbansi, the Leader of the Minority Front and a member of Parliament in the KwaZulu Legislature attended the program in Stanger. During his stay in Durban, Shubamrita also called upon Mr. R. Raghunathan, the Consul General of India to South Africa, who evinced interest in the activities of Amma’s charitable organization, Embracing the World. Br. Shubamrita was also interviewed by the national TV station SABC 2, which was broadcast nationally.


In both cities, the packed audience was keen on learning more about Amma’s life and teachings and wholeheartedly participated in the talks, soulful bhajans and meditations. In Cape Town, Shubamrita conducted a feeding for disadvantaged children at the Phumlani Community Center, along with the devotees of the local temple Sri Siva Sakti Aalayam. Nourishing food was shared with the children, along with smiles and laughter.


A public programme was held at the Novalis Ubuntu Institute in Cape Town on April 9th. It was a beautiful evening attended by members from all sections of society, giving due respect to the name of the venue – ‘Ubuntu’ describes the traditional African concept of the interconnectedness of humankind and very much correlates to Amma’s vision of unity and peace. Br. Shubamrita spoke on the topic, “Change Your Thinking, Transform Your Life,” which was greatly appreciated by the large audience.

At every city, one question could be heard again and again: “When will Amma come and visit this beautiful country of South Africa?” Amma’s devotees of South Africa pray that this day will come soon and wait eagerly with open hearts.

– Dass

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