Amma’s visit to Europe: Toulon and Torino

9 November 2001,Toulon, France

Amma cooperates with a baby

Amma cooperates with a baby
Amma cooperates with a baby

Amma plays hide and seek with a child

Amma plays hide and seek with a child
Amma plays hide and seek with a child

Amma leads the arati during the Atma Puja

Amma leads the arati during the Atma Puja
Amma leads the arati during the Atma Puja

Little girls selling flowers

Little girls selling flowers
Little girls selling flowers

13 November 2001, Torino, Italy

Fire-fighters come for Amma's darshan
Fire-fighters come for darshan.

Fire-fighters come for darshan. They asked Amma to pray for their fellow fire-fighters in New York.

Amma sits for meditation

Amma sits for meditation.
Amma sits for meditation

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