The medicine of Amma’s words

10 December 2002, Amritapuri

Amrita Lahari

A young spiritual aspirant approached Amma with a long face. “Amma, I am depressed and I don’t feel like living,” he told Her. “I want to die.”

Amma replied strongly, but it was strength that the boy needed. “You are selfish,” Amma began. “You feel that you will get happiness by dying. At the same time, you don’t want to face the pressures or challenging situations that arise in life. But a spiritual aspirant should be selfless and live for others, and he should also be strong like a diamond within. People spend so much money trying to bring a person back to life. God has given you life. You don’t have the right to destroy it. Live selflessly and find strength within your Self.”

We can all find strength in the medicine of Amma’s words, especially in our darkest moments. Yet we need only remember that the Light of lights is looking after us, illuminating the way ahead, and the only thing for us is to keep taking steps toward Her.

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