May the poor find prosperity, and may the wise be fearless

27 Sep 2024, Amritapuri Ashram –
Amritavarsham 71 – Amma’s Birthday Celebration

Unlike previous years, Amma’s 71st birthday was celebrated in the ashram itself, with smaller and simpler ceremonies, rather than at the university grounds across the backwaters. The day began with a Maha Ganapati Homa and the chanting of Lalita Sahasranama.

By 9 am, Amma came to the stage and led the assembled devotees in prayers for the departed souls affected by the recent landslides in Wayanad, Kerala, as well as those impacted by the increasing natural calamities and wars occurring worldwide. As a gesture of compassion, Amma pledged an aid package of ₹15 crores ($1.8 million) to support the survivors and strengthen disaster resilience in the region.

After the Paduka Puja led by Swamiji, Amma gave her birthday message, offering deep reflections on the state of the world today. In her speech, Amma quoted an ancient prayer, saying:

“May all people live in peace. May leaders govern justly. May all living beings find happiness. May those blessed with knowledge, discernment, and truthfulness be content. May the Sun shine and the rain fall in their due time. May the Earth be nourished by plants. May the poor find prosperity, and may the wise be fearless. In this way, may the entire world be filled with happiness.”

Amma expressed that this is the kind of world we should all aspire to, strive for, and pray for. However, she pointed out that the reality today is quite different. She observed:

“In today’s world, all nations fall into two categories: those waging war and those preparing for war. Developed and developing nations alike are allocating the largest portion of their budgets to the stockpiling of weapons.”

Amma noted that instead of introspecting and making positive changes, people are quick to blame others and criticise. This attitude prevents us from looking around with love for one another and respect for nature. Despite numerous discussions about the dangerous path humanity is on, there remains a lack of discernment and action.

She also addressed the hypocrisy in the way we approach environmental issues, saying:

“We hold large symposiums and conferences on global warming and climate change, but continue to destroy forests, mountains, and rivers. We discuss reducing greenhouse gas emissions, yet build more factories that pollute our air, rivers, and oceans.”

Amma stressed the importance of balancing economic growth with the survival of the planet and the well-being of society. She reflected on how scientific advancements, originally meant to alleviate suffering, have often been commercialized and misused, leading to harm instead of healing.

“When humans exploit nature, misuse science and technology, and allow selfishness to dictate their actions, it leads to suffering. From selflessness stems fearlessness, and from fearlessness, love. Real love is born from fearlessness, and it is from this love that new, positive creations emerge.”

Following her address, Amma led the gathering in Manasa Puja, Meditation, and a heart-touching bhajan, filling everyone present with peace and devotion.

The simplicity of this year’s celebration served to amplify the depth of Amma’s message—a call to live with love, selflessness, and respect for the earth and one another. It was a reminder that true celebration lies not in grandeur, but in meaningful reflection and compassionate action.

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