Sivarātri is a Call to Awaken the Inner Siva

25 Feb 2025, Amritapuri – Shivratri Celebrations

The Maha Shivratri celebrations at Amritapuri Ashram witnessed thousands of devotees gathering for prayers, meditation, and devotional singing.

In the morning, a special Maha Ganapati Homam, the chanting of Lalita Sahasranama, and Mrityunjaya Homam were performed at the Kalari, filling the atmosphere with divine vibrations.

In Amma’s Shivratri message, she highlighted the festival’s deep significance in Sanatana Dharma, reminding everyone that Maha Shivratri is not just an occasion for rituals but a night of awakening.

“Sivarātri is a call to awaken the inner Siva and embrace eternal awareness by discerning between knowledge and ignorance and between righteousness and unrighteousness. Sivarātri conveys the message of supreme knowledge as well as the spiritual practices, austerities and self-sacrifice required to attain it. The primary purpose of festivals like Sivarātri is to turn the minds and senses of people immersed in worldly affairs towards the divine and to purify the environment through collective worship.

“The Vedas declare ‘ekaṁ sat viprā bahudhā vadanti (ऎकं सत् विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति) —The truth is one, but the wise speak of it variously.’ The foundation of the universe is the one supreme truth. Though it is one, its manifestations are many, and it reveals itself in the infinite diversity of nature. Unity in diversity and diversity in unity are like two sides of the same coin. The paramātman is essentially formless and attributeless, yet at the same time it is endowed with attributes and forms, possessing infinite qualities and manifestations. Therefore, everyone has the freedom to worship the paramātman in the form and manner that best resonates with them. This is how diverse spiritual practices and paths as well as the worship of multiple deities evolved within Sanātana Dharma.

Sivarātri is dedicated to the worship of Siva, the Lord of creation, preservation and dissolution. Since he transcends all duality, his manifestations are also infinite. When an airplane flies up into the sky, there is nothing but sky above and below—it is surrounded only by the vast expanse of space. Our mind’s being tied to various attachments creates limitations for us—much like a person confined to their path while walking, or a car restricted to the road on which it’s traveling. On the other hand, going beyond duality frees one—like a bird that can fly in any direction without being bound to any one track. Thus, the infinite manifestations of Siva indicate his transcendence beyond duality.
Since Siva transcends all dualities, his manifestations are infinite. Although the lord of the universe, he is also a beggar, holding a begging bowl. Although a householder, he is also a sannyāsī. Although naṭarāja—the cosmic dancer—he is also the embodiment of meditation. Although he is the lord of the fallen, the ignorant and the ordinary, he is also the king of kings.

We must all come together as members of Siva’s family. These are the many faces of unity. See the divine inherent in everything; see the unity in the diversity. Humility is the booster rocket that propels us to spiritual heights; without it, we become a burden to the very earth we live on—in life and in death. Strive to spread that love with humility, for even a torn rag can be mended with a needle and thread. We must strive to bring about this unity of Siva family in our lives. Life is full of challenges, and only by accepting them can we progress towards immortality. We must develop an attitude of acceptance. In any family, difficulties will arise, but only by standing together can we move forwards. At the foundation of it all lies patience.

Following the Satsang, Amma led bhajans, which continued through the night, accompanied by darshan and prasad distribution. Devotees engaged in uninterrupted bhajan singing and chanting, culminating in Lalita Sahasranama Archana at 6 am. Even the little children were seen enthusiastically singing bhajans, their voices filling the hall with innocent devotion.

As the sun rose, the celebrations concluded with collective prayers for peace and the well-being of all—Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.

The night-long observance left every heart immersed in divine bliss, a true reflection of the eternal presence of Lord Śiva within.

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