Month: January 2013
Amma in Hyderabad
26 – 27 Jan, Hyderabad – Bharata Yatra 2013 Amma held a two days Brahmasthanam festival at her ashram in Hyderabad. Large crowds turned out each day for the weekend programs. During the programs, Vidyamritam scholarship was given to 1400 local youth and more than 100 Amrita Nidhi pensions to local women in need. Amma’s…
Amma in Vishakhapatinam
23 Jan, Vishakahapatinam, Andra Pradesh – Bharata Yatra 2013 Amma held a program for the first time in Vishakh even though she has visited the place several times. The program took place in the evening at the A.S. Raja College grounds. The ex Mayor of Vishakh, D V Subha Rao officially welcomed Amma by saying, …
Amma in Bhuvaneswar, Odisha
21 Jan, Bhuvaneswar, Odisha – Bharata Yatra 2013 After the final program in Kolkata, Amma travelled south down to East coast of India and held her first ever programs in the state of Odisha. Amma and the tour group all stayed at the brand new Amrita Vidyalayam in Bhuvaneshwar, that will start holding classes in…
Cleaning Kolkata streets at night
20 Jan 2013, Kolkata, Bharata Yatra 2013 After sitting for almost 12 hours of continuous darshan during the last day of programs in Calcutta {news}, Amma still wanted to do more for her children. During the darshan, at about 6:00pm, she announced that the road had to be cleaned and in this way the ABC…
Amma in Kolkata
18 – 19 Jan, Kolkata Brahmastanam Festival – Bharata Yatra 2013 After traveling for three days from Delhi over a distance of more than 1500km, Amma finally arrived in Kolkata. Upon arriving in the ashram there, Amma served prasad dinner to all the local volunteers and the tour group. Amma sat and sang bhajans and…
Amma at Maha Kumbha Mela
16 Jan, Kumbha Mela, Allahabad, Uttarpradesh – Bharata Yatra 2013 After her programs in Delhi {news}, Amma and the tour group travelled more than 1500km over three days to the next stop on the tour in Calcutta. On the first day, Amma travelled by road with the group passing through Vrindavan and ending a long…
Amma in New Delhi
13 – 14 January, New Delh, Bharata Yatra 2013 After the programs ended early in the morning in Mumbai, Amma flew the same day to Delhi. The next day after arriving, Amma served prasad to all the local devotees at Amrita Vidyalayam. She also sang bhajans and shared jokes to the delight of all the…
Amma graces the Vivekananda procession at Red Fort
12 Jan, Red Fort, New Delhi – Bharata Yatra 2013 Early in the morning of Swami Vivekananda’s 150th birthday, at a gathering of more than fifteen thousand, Amma arrived to a special venue erected just in front of the famous and historic Red Fort in the heart of Delhi. Amma shared the dais with many…
Re-awaken values, transform internally
150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda 11 January, Siri Fort Auditorium, New Delhi – Bharata Yatra 2013 Amma inaugurated the Swami Vivekananda Sarda Shati Samaroh, the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda at Siri Fort Auditorium, New Delhi. In her speech, Amma said “We have learned to fly like birds and swim like fish, but…
Amma in Mumbai
Jan 7-8, Mumbai, Maharasthra – Bharata Yatra 2013 After the Pune programs, Amma travelled to her ashram in Nerul, Navi Mumbai. There she held two days of programs on the 7th and 8th of January. A large crowd of devotees were on hand waiting to welcome Amma back to Mumbai. During the first evening program…