Category: Around Amma
What Sitaram wants to do after walking through2350 villages covering 23,100 km
Sri Sitaram Kedilaya, aged 74 from Puthur, Karnataka, just completed a remarkable achievement. He just finished walking from Kanyakumari to Kashmir and back, covering 23,100 km on foot. The Bharata Parikrama, or walk across India, took him 5 years. He undertook the yatra, or sacred journey, to discover India, to dive into his identity as…
One’s real life savings is love. If that is lost, one will become a pauper
1-2 July, Manchester, New Hampshire, America Yatra 2017 Amma held two days of programs at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, New Hampshire. The hotel is located just 45 minutes from the old Ashram in Temple, NH, where Amma used to hold retreats many years ago. During the program, there were many cultural performances including an…
Let our lives become an offering that alleviates the pain of suffering people
July 4th-5th, Arlington, VA – America Yatra 2017 As 4th of July fireworks were bursting over the Capitol, hearts were bursting with joy inside the Marriott Gateway Crystal City in Arlington, VA where Amma held two days of programs. Amidst the celebrations, Amma urged the assembled crowd at her program to remember each and every…
Guru Purnima Celebrations at Toronto
9 July, Toronto, Ontario – America – Canada Yatra 2017 Amma’s disciples and devotees around the world celebrated Guru Purnima on Sunday. In Amma’s presence in Toronto, the celebration was organized by Amma’s senior disciple, Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri. The celebration capped a full day of activities at the Toronto retreat – in the evening alone,…
Satguru’s greatness lies in their incomparable, indestructible and limitless presence
9 Jul, Gurupurnima celebrations, Canada – America-Canada Yatra 2017 Amma’s message on Gurupurnima “There are so many different types of relationships based on love in the world. However, the relationship between the Satguru and the disciple is beyond all these relationships. Gurupurnima is a day to contemplate on the greatness of a true disciple, along…
Our attitudes makes our experiences bitter or sweet
27-29 June, Secaucus, New Jersey – America Yatra 2017 Amma held three days of programs at the Meadowlands Exhibition Center in Secaucus, NJ just outside of New York City. It marked the first time in many years that Amma has held programs in New Jersey rather than in New York City. In her address to…
Amma wants everyone to win
June 24th-25th, Atlanta, Georgia – America Yatra 2017 Amma held two days of programs at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis in downtown Atlanta. Prior to the programs, Amma visited the new MA Center in Cumming, Georgia, USA. Located on the grounds of a 150-year-old former church, the center is the new hub of spiritual and humanitarian…
Grow by growing up is a journey towards immortality
20-22 June, MA Center Chicago, Elburn, IL – America Yatra 2017 Amma returned to her Chicago Ashram for three days of programs. Spread on 141 serene acres, MA Center Chicago has become a hub of activity for Amma’s Mid-western devotees. The Center offers numerous opportunities for spiritual growth, including retreats, volunteer activities, classes, yoga, devotional…
We are inspired by your hope and your compassion
17-18 June, Dallas, Texas – USA Yatra 2017 On the way to the Dallas programs, Amma stopped at the new MA Center in Aubrey, TX just north of Dallas. Located on a 50-acre plot of picturesque property in what is known as “Horse Country USA”, the center includes a ranch house and a scenic pond.…
May we fulfill your dream for us
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA – June 12-15 Amma began the first day program with satsang and meditation. Before darshan began, Amma sang a bhajan and asked everyone to stand up and dance. Many devotees were wearing special buttons commemorating Amma’s 30th visit to Santa Fe. The second night of the retreat began with a…