Category: Around Amma
Amma in Michigan
20-24 Nov, Detroit, Michigan – America Yatra 2015 Amma held two days of public programs followed by a Retreat and Devi Bhava at the Detroit Marriott Hotel at the Renaissance Center in Detroit. The first evening program ended at 3:30am with Amma dancing to a traditional Baduga melody. At the end of the second full day…
Amma back
Amma is back in Amritapuri after the Eruope-America Yatra 2015 She will be giving Darshan from 2Dec till BharataYatra starts early next year.
Amma in Sanramon
14-18 November, San Ramon, California – America Yatra 2015 Amma held two days of public programs followed by a Retreat and Devi Bhava at her San Ramon Ashram in California. Amma began the programs by asking the assembled crowd to sit in silence and pray for the peace of those who lost their lives in…
Diwali gift of Love in London
10-11 November, London – Europe Yatra 2015 It was a beautiful Diwali gift for Amma’s children in the United Kingdom as she arrived at the Alexandra Palace for a two-day programme held on November 10 and 11, 2015. Welcoming Amma to London, Baroness Sandip Verma, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for International Development and a…
Amma is the greatest Mahatma to have ever graced our planet
6-8 Nov, Milan, Italay – Europe Yatra 2015 A beautiful spring-like weather welcomed Amma for 3 days at Busto Arsizio, the small town located 30 km North of city of Milan, where Amma holds her programs since 2012, when she visits Italy. The very pleasant sunny and warm weather encouraged devotees and interested people from…
Amma in Toulon
2-4 Nov, Toulon, France – Europe Yatra 2015 Scenes from the Zenith Omega arena in Toulon, Southern France. For three days and nights, the packed stadium was transformed into a temple of hope, love and light as tens of thousands passed through Amma’s arms, meditated together and prayed in unison as one heart and one…
Seeking the warmth of Love in freezing temperatures
30- 31st October, Finland – Europe Yatra 2015 After three days of programs in Holland, Amma next travelled to Helsinki, Finland as part of her 2015 European tour. On the first evening of Amma’s program in the Vantaa Energia Areena, the occasion was honored by Ambassador of India to Finland and a renowned Finnish TV…
Amma is a great cultural ambassador and a great humanitarian
26-28 October, Houten, Netherland – Europe Yatra 2015 The sixth stop in Amma’s 2015 Europe Yatra was Houten, Netherlands, Amma’s 16th visit to the country. Amma came right after her first program in MA Center Germany. In the two days before her arrival, many volunteers had been busy building up the Expo for Amma’s visit…
Amma will inspire us all
22-24 October, MA Center Germany – Europe Yatra 2015 For the first time ever, Amma held a programme at MA Center Germany. It so happened that the programme started on the auspicious day of Vijayadasami. On this day, while giving darshan, Amma did not forget to initiate Her children in India into letters through a…