Category: AYUDH
AYUDH Portugal brings HOPE to care homes
During AYUDH’s 2013 youth summit in Germany “Our World, Our Vision, Our Future,” a group of young people were introduced to playing harp as a means of therapy. At the conclusion of the camp, two youth were awarded a harp with the idea that it would be used by them to play at care-homes in…
Rise Arjuna: Awake, Arise and Seize the Future
15 June 2013, Tabanan, Bali The Youth Forum is dedicated to the empowerment of youth in Tabanan, a regency of Bali had a program with Swami Purnamritananda. The theme of the event which Swami graced was “Rise Arjuna: Awake, Arise and Seize the Future”. Surpi, who organized the event, said in her opening speech…
Color the World with Love
Our World Our Vision Our Future The ninth European AYUDH Youth Initiative was conducted from July13th – 20th, 2013 at MA Center Germany, Brombachtal. More than 200 young people between the ages of 15 and 30 participated in the week long camp. For the first time participants from Greece, Denmark and Lebanon took part in…
AYUDH Youth Exchange USA 2012: The Joy of Giving
11-12 August 2012, MA Center, Washington DC The third annual East Coast AYUDH Youth Exchange, held in M.A. Center in Washington D.C. Thirty four youth from around the United States to come together for this year’s theme of ‘The Joy of Giving’ fostered a transformative weekend of discussion, selfless service, and prayer. [av_partner columns=’1′ heading=”…
The Joy of Giving
AYUDH Europe’s 8th Youth Initiative, 15 – 21 July 2012, MA Center, Germany The 8th European AYUDH Youth Initiative was an unique gathering where participants came from all parts of the continent and even from far off countries like Japan, Ukraine and the United States – 200 youth from 15 countries – came together at…
AYUDH participates in inter-religious peace prayer
12 September 2011 – Munich AYUDH was invited by the catholic church to co-facilitate the inter-religious peace prayer. They also joined dialogue-groups to discuss ways to peace within a multicultural society. The youth read out from Amma’s teachings, sang the bhajan “Everyone in the world” and prayed “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.” In a church…
Reaching new heights by AYUDH of USA
August 12-14, 2011 M.A. Center, Washington, DC. Under the guidance of Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya, forty youth came together for the second annual AYUDH East Coast Youth Exchange for the theme ‘Reaching New Heights’. The zealous youth from across the United States and Canada gathered at the picturesque ashram to share ideas, pray together, and join…
Youth reach new heights together
From 24 – 31 July 2011 the M.A Centre, Germany, hosted the 7th International Youth Initiative Reaching New Heights – The Power of Youth to Change the World, a multinational youth programme that welcomed 180 youth from 20 countries in Europe and beyond. Reaching New Heights focused on eight main challenges faced by youth in…
Conserving the present, celebrating the future
Celebrating Earth Day in Delhi 22 April 2011 It was in the background of one of the worst natural disasters – the earthquake and tsunami in Japan – that this year’s Earth day arrived on the 22nd of April. This calamity of unprecedented magnitude lent added relevance and significance to this year’s Earth Day.…
Washington AYUDH youth exchange
The inaugural AYUDH East Coast Youth Exchange in Washington, D.C., brought together over 30 youth for a weekend of service, music, and inspiration, embracing Amma’s message of love.