Category: AYUDH
Experience week for the youth
GreenFriends Europe’s “Experience Week” united 80 youth in France for ecological projects, teamwork, and sustainability.
Youth meeting for a better future
The 6th AYUDH European Youth Exchange united 150 youth in France to explore sustainability, community, and cultural connection through workshops and inspiring activities.
Sprouting of GrowIn
People from many countries took part in a webcast and highlighted the work on many different vegetables they could grow in small spaces.
The power to change
If each one of us is to do their part well, we could still save the earth. Their despair had turned into hope and they would be more cautious of what they do in the future.
AYUDH Minnesota serves poor
Youth prepared a full-course Indian meal and served it to 100 of RMHC’s inmates.
AYUDH USA 3rd annual retreat
Led by Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya, the exchange included a multitude of spiritual, cultural, and service activities for over 65 attendees.
AYUDH plants 500 trees at Amrita Watoto Boma
25 Oct 2009, Nairobi, Kenya AYUDH Kenya participated in the 350 movement on Saturday 24th October 2009. This day marked a milestone towards fighting against climate change as people from all over the world united with a common goal to be heard and try and save the planet. ( AYUDH’s contribution was through organizing a…
Amma in Munich
Munich, Germany, 29th – 31st October “We are so blessed that Amma has been coming to Munich for 22 years; we want to thank Amma deeply that she is giving us the opportunity to be in her inspiring presence. Thank you so much for being here.” with these words Amma was welcomed to Munich, Germany.…
The joy of gardening
August is the season when many youth from all over the world flock to Amritapuri to spend their holidays with Amma. It is a time for the youngsters to reflect about life in a deeper way, contribute to Amma’s charitable work and socialize with other like-minded youngsters. This year, AYUDH decided to make an effort…
Give Peace A Chance
5th European Youth Exchange 19 – 26 July 2009, M.A. Center, Germany From 19th to 26th July 2009 young people from all over Europe flocked to the M.A. Center Germany to participate in the 5th annual European Youth Exchange. “Give Peace a Chance” was the theme of the week, which for the third time was…