Category: AYUDH
AYUDH – UK is starting a garden project
London, 29 Oct 2008, AYUDH group in UK while celebrating their 1st anniversary, started a garden project as part of GreenFriends in an effort to grow fruits in their own private gardens. This project is an effort to raise awareness that one need to produce one’s own food and a little extra for others too.…
UN’s Peace Day celebrated
On the occasion of the UN’s International Peace Day on September 21st 2008, AYUDH groups worldwide connected via the internet to pray for world peace and harmony. At 9am Amritapuri time the connection was launched between youth from India, America, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland and Finland. After a very hearty and happy greeting the youngsters…
Finding the balance in Life
On 22nd – 24th August 2008 The M.A. Center in Melbourne hosted AYUDH Australia’s first youth retreat by Bramachari Shantamrita Chaitanya. The theme of the retreat was “balance”. It laid the foundation for lasting relationships, inspired vision and action. Br. Shantamrita discussed balance; how one can apply this concept in everyday lives. He also talked…
The Future in Our Hands
AYUDH Europe Youth Exchange 2008 The 4th annual European Youth Exchange held at the M.A. Center in Germany saw the arrival of a lot of young people from all parts of European countries to participate in a 6 day program led by Br Shubamrita and Bri. Dipamrita. For the second time, the program was co-funded…
Youth in Action 2008 – The Future in Our Hands
22 – 27 July 2008, MA Center, Frankfurt, Germany 4th European Youth Exchange Supported by the Youth in Action Program of the EU organised by Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara (AYUDH). The major handed over the “Youth Pass,” the new certificate of the European Union to acknowledge informal learning experience. A bouquet of young people from…
Blessing a Child of the Survivor Tree
29 June 2008 — Addison, Texas, USA The terrorist bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building on April 19, 1995 took the lives of 168 people and scarred thousands more physically and emotionally. Despite the massive blast and subsequent fires, a 100-year-old American Elm Tree, part of the building’s original landscaping, survived. At the insistence…
A Rakhi Bond to Fight Farmer Suicide
31 May 2008 – Seattle, Washington, USA On the first night of the retreat weekend with Amma in Seattle, a dozen or so teenagers and twenty-somethings wearing T-shirts with AYUDH across the back came up to the side of Amma’s chair. One of them held a bracelet of braided pink and blue strings, which she…
Vrischikam onnu, vriksham onnu
16 November 2005 — Kerala Mass scale sapling planting by AYUDH AYUDH, the youth wing of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math, and GreenFriends, the Ashram’s environmental group, jointly organized a programme of planting 100,000 trees across the state of Kerala on November 16 to coincide with the first of the Malayalam month of Vrischikam. The programme…
AYUDH celebrates India’s Independence
15 August 2004 — Amritapuri “Bharat is the spiritual centre of the world, its spiritual heart,” said Swami Jnanamritananda on the evening of the 57th anniversary of India’s independence. “Bharat is not just a handful of sand. It is the Mother. Just as a mother feeds her child from her breast, so too this Mother…