Category: Cultural

  • Education for living, Learning for life: AYUDH’s 13th Youth Summit

    Education for living, Learning for life: AYUDH’s 13th Youth Summit

    15 – 23 July 2017, Odenwald, MA Center Germany Two hundred and fifty youth from 21 nationalities joined together in Germany for an amazing week of learning, inspiration and cultural exchange. The camp addressed some of the most urgent issues facing our world today, ranging from integration and cultural understanding to civic engagement and sustainable…

  • Youth call for a global change in educational systems

    Youth call for a global change in educational systems

    The concluding event of AYUDH’s 13th European Youth Summit was a panel discussion between youth and senior decision makers, entitled ‘Towards a Culture of Caring: The Role Of Education To Foster Young People’s Active Citizenship’. During the week before the panel, 250 youth from 21 nationalities reflected on how educational systems can be changed, so…

  • One World, One Home – AYUDH’s 12th European Youth Summit

    One World, One Home – AYUDH’s 12th European Youth Summit

    AYUDH’s 12th annual European Youth Summit “One World. One Home” took place from 16th-24th July at the MA Center in Brombachtal near Frankfurt, Germany. Playing host to 300 young people from over 27 countries, the summit provided a unique platform for personal development, intercultural dialogue and creative expression. Each day was dedicated to a different…

  • Vavu Bali, paying homage to ancestors

    Vavu Bali, paying homage to ancestors

    2 Aug 2016, Amritapuri 2000 participants from around the globe gathered in Amritapuri to pay homage to their ancestors by participating in the Karkidaka Vavu Bali ritual. Vavu Bali is a Hindu custom where a special puja is performed on riverbanks and beaches on the no moon (Amavasya) that falls during the month of Karkitakam…

  • AYUDH participates in Human Rights Council Youth Forum at the UN

    AYUDH participates in Human Rights Council Youth Forum at the UN

    On 10 June 2016, seven AYUDH members from Switzerland, Germany, Denmark and Spain joined around 120 young leaders from all over the world gathered at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, to participate in a historic moment: For the first time, youth had the chance to formally voice their opinion in regard to different human…

  • International Yoga day at Amritapuri Ashram

    International Yoga day at Amritapuri Ashram

    21 Jun 2016, Amritapuri The main hall in the Ashram was full this morning as a Yoga classes were conducted to celebrate the day. More than 1000 participated in this yoga celebration, including children, youth and old aged.   [Show thumbnails]

  • National level trainers camp for AYUDH and IAM

    National level trainers camp for AYUDH and IAM

    A national level trainers camp was held in Amritapuri from Dec. 25th – 31st, 2015.  Participants from all over India came to become teachers of the Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM) Technique and Amrita Yoga.  Individuals also learned how to lead youth groups and hold events under the Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara (AYUDH) umbrella. Swami Amritaswarupananda…

  • Gita festival in Bali

    November 26th, 2015, Bali, Indonesia Swami Purnamritananda led a Bhagavad Gita event in Badung Regency in Bali. Swamiji was welcomed by Prabhu Darmayasa from the Paramadhama Ashram, and Senator Arya Wedakarna. There were talks on the Gita, cultural performances, and singing. Attendees also chanted the 12th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, after which everyone participated…

  • Bali International Interfaith Youth Program

    22 November 2015 , Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Hall, Renon, Denpasar Swami Poornamritananda was invited as a guest speaker at the Bali International Interfaith Youth Program 2015. This was the 3rd interfaith program held in Bali. Representatives from many religions spoke on this occassion. Bali is well known for its religious tolerance and is…

  • Seed of Happiness from Amma’s teachings on Japan’s National Cultural Day

    Seed of Happiness from Amma’s teachings on Japan’s National Cultural Day

    3 November 2015, Tokyo On the occassion of Japan’s National Cultural Day, a special lecture was held in Tokyo Women’s Plaza, located in the central area of metropolitan city. Swami Poornamritananda addressed the gathering on the theme “How to Attain a Peaceful State of Mind – a Seed of Happiness from Amma’s Teachings”. About 300…