Category: Cultural

  • Teen Retreat at MA Center, Germany

    The first Teen-Retreat for children between the ages of 12-15 took place at the M.A. Center, Germany, on July 1.-3, 2011. The participants came to gel as a group through various team building activities such as group discussions, mural painting, music, etc. The mornings started with meditation. They were given the chance to express themselves…

  • In tune with Nature

    “In tune with nature” was the topic for this year’s Children Retreat on June 11th – 13th, 2011 during Pentecost. Forty children and their parents, from all over Switzerland and Germany, gathered together to spend an inspiring weekend at the MA Center Germany in Hof Herrenberg. Dodo, clown from the Children’s Retreat, led all into…

  • Youth reach new heights together

    From 24 – 31 July 2011 the M.A Centre, Germany, hosted the 7th International Youth Initiative Reaching New Heights – The Power of Youth to Change the World, a multinational youth programme that welcomed 180 youth from 20 countries in Europe and beyond. Reaching New Heights focused on eight main challenges faced by youth in…

  • Installation of Brahmasthanam Temple in Kannur

    5 May, Kannur Brahmasthana Pratishta, Bharata Yatra 2011 There was an air of expectancy in the air as Amma was to consecrate the temple. The pujas had already started a few days prior to Amma’s arrival. On the 4th bimba shudhi and vaastu shuddhi was completed. The morning of 5th Amma appeared in a yellow…

  • Conserving the present, celebrating the future

    Celebrating Earth Day in Delhi 22 April 2011   It was in the background of one of the worst natural disasters – the earthquake and tsunami in Japan – that this year’s Earth day arrived on the 22nd of April. This calamity of unprecedented magnitude lent added relevance and significance to this year’s Earth Day.…

  • Conscious Living

    Conscious Living

    Br. Shantamrita presented a Conscious Living Workshop in the capital of the Fiji Islands, Suva on Saturday March 12 to an enthusiastic group of people. In the three-hour workshop held at the Pacific Theological College, Br. Shantamrita examined the obstacles in life that prevent us from reaching our full potential in spiritual and worldly matters…

  • Finding a balance with life and work

    Finding a balance with life and work

    10 March 2011, FijiBr. Shantamrita Chaitanya carried out a workshop for United Nations staff based in capital Suva, Fiji, entitled “Achieving a Work Life Balance: A holistic approach” at the UN’s request. The workshop was held at the United Nations Development Programme Pacific Centre’s office on March 10, and the participants were from a range…

  • Kids camp in Fiji

    Kids camp in Fiji

    When Br Shantamrita conducted a two day kids camp in Fiji.

  • The world awaits true leaders in Fiji

    Amma’s message has been spread to the South Pacific through a visit to the Fiji Islands by Br. Shantamrita Chaitanya from March 7 to 14, 2011 to conduct a series of seminars on Practical Spirituality. Br. Shantamrita’s first program on March 9 was at the prestigious Fiji National University in the capital Suva where he…

  • Role of temples changed in today’s world

    11 March 2011, Fiji Br. Shantamrita addressed the crowd of 100 or so local Indo-Fijians on the topic of “the Role of Temples in Today’s World”. The program was held at Siva Mandir which is one of the oldest temples in Fiji. In the talk, Br. Shantamrita recognized that these days many people often find…