Category: New Year
Be Joyful, Alert, Smiling and Compassionate
January 1, 2016 — Amritapuri (An excerpt from Amma’s 2016 New Year’s Message) Another new year is here. When a child is born into a family, it makes everyone happy, but at the same time, it also makes everyone alert. The parents will be careful that the child doesn’t fall down. They will make sure that…
New Year Eve of 2012
May our lives and the lives of all beings be pervaded with goodness. This is Amma’s prayer on this occasion. 2012 New Year celebrations at Amritapuri
Make your life a celebration
Thousands of people gathered in the Ashram Main hall on New Year’s Eve with Amma to welcome 2010.
Dancing our way into the New Year
01 Jan 2009 The calendar year might have been about to change, but thankfully, Amma wasn’t. She was still doing what she has been doing Her entire life – giving darshan, pouring compassion and raining Love- as the new year approached. Everyday is a celebration with Amma, but there are some days that are more…
Photos of various events in Amritapuri 2007
Photos of the following 3 events in Amritapuri Oct – Dec 2007 -Amma arriving in Amritapuri after her 2007 Europe & USA tour -60 Devotees from Pune dancing & singing -Amrita TV’s Raga Ratnam program winner is singing for Amma