Category: Festivals

  • 50-crore Uttarakhand relief and rehab programme inaugurated

    50-crore Uttarakhand relief and rehab programme inaugurated

    27 Sep 2013, Amritapuri – Amritavarsham60 A massive charitable projects: a 50-crore relief-and-rehabilitation project in the flood-ravaged state of Uttarakhand was inaugurated during Amritavarsham60 1. Housing The first key focus area in this project is housing. In the flood-ravaged areas of Rudraprayag and Uttarkashi, MAM will build approximately 500 homes to replace all the homes…

  • President of India sends Birthday Message to Amma

    Hon President of India, Pranab Mukherjee’s Birthday Message to Amma on her 60th Birthday. Message of the Honorable President of India Sri. Pranab Mukherjee on the occasion of the 60th Birthday of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi I am glad to know that the 60th birth anniversary of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi is being held at…

  • Baul of Bengal – “Song of the Great Soul”

    The stage was adorned with flowered light patterns of varying colors. Bouquets of fresh flowers lined every part of the stage. The cameras covered every inch of the stage, giving devotees some amazing and powerful shots. Our beloved Amma’s 60th Birthday. The air of divine love that exists here in Amritapuri was amplified by the…

  • Seek Her Within…

    Seek Her Within…

    Amritavarsham 60 witnessed Amma’s bhajans and Abhangs by world famous Indian classical Hindustani vocalist, Pandit Ajoy Chakraborty on the same evening … a nectar flow for the ears of the devotees gathered here. Pandit Ajoy Chakraborty has many “firsts” to his credit. He is the first Indian Classical vocalist • to be considered the best…

  • Humanitarian Programs Launched on Amritavarsham 60

    Amrita Self-Reliant Villages (Amrita SeRVe)—is a “village adoption” program through which the Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM) has selected 101 villages throughout India with the goal of helping them establish the required infrastructure to become self-reliant role-model villages for the country. A Rs. 50-crore [$8 million US] relief-and-rehabilitation program for the flood-ravaged Kedarnath region of Uttarakhand,…

  • Waste Management at Amritavarsham60

    Waste Management at Amritavarsham60

    28 Sep 2013, Amritapuri – Amritavarsham60 Celebrations Volunteers from around the world came together at Amritavarsham60 to help manage the waste from the huge crowds that descended on Amritapuri. Helpers from as far away as the USA, Italy, Finland and France toiled with Amrita University students and locals to sort rubbish and compost food leftovers…

  • MAM launches 50-Crore Kedarnath Relief-and-Rehabilitation Program

    MAM launches 50-Crore Kedarnath Relief-and-Rehabilitation Program

    The Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM) is launching a 50-crore relief-and-rehabilitation program to help victims of June 2013 Kedarnath flash-flooding and landslides. This project will be officially launched during Amritavarsham60—the 60th Birthday Celebrations of world-renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, fondly known throughout the world as “Amma.” MAM started its Kedarnath-region relief-and-rehabilitation soon…

  • Amma, your legacy is for a lifetime: Shashi Tharoor

    Amma, your legacy is for a lifetime: Shashi Tharoor

    27 Sep 2013, Amritapuri – Amritavarsham60 Celebrations Shashi Tharoor, the Hon. Minister of HRD, Government of India, gave an inspiring speech about Amma, her life spent in the service of humanity, and the wonderful occasion that her 60th Birthday brings. He was launching the Amrita RITE-Rural India Tablet Education for After-school Tutoring and Adult Literacy…

  • The Vidya behind Tala Vadya

    27 Sep 2013, Amritapuri – Amritavarsham60 The evening of Amritavarsham 60 witnessed a scintillating performance on Odissi percussion instruments led by eminent Mardala player Guru Dhaneswar Swain. Tabla, Bhol, Kanjani, Harmonium, Mardalam, Nishaan and Flute together produced systematic beats. The music, beats and outstanding talent of Guru Dhaneswar created a musical extravaganza that kept the…

  • Gotipua: Graceful Masculine Dance – a Worship to Mahakali!

    Gotipua: Graceful Masculine Dance – a Worship to Mahakali!

    27 Sep 2013, Amritavarhsm60 Odisha has left everyone here at Amritapuri absolutely amazed as there were different styles, types and forms of Odissi dance showcased here over the last few days! And yet again a fascinating performance by Guru Bichitrananda Swain and his group of dancers brought bliss to everyone’s hearts! Director of the leading…