Category: Festivals
Gita Jayanthi celebrations illuminate Ashram with art & wisdom
Devotees and artists alike gathered to immerse themselves in the profound teachings of Gita. Gita chanting, Gita talks, and a distinctive Gita painting session were integral elements of the celebration, each contributing to the vibrant tapestry of the day.
Embracing the Inner Light
Once that inner light ignites, even the hearing impaired can hear, the vision impaired can see. With this external lamp, you need to bring that light within.
An offering to Mother Earth
This diverse gathering saw participation from devotees representing all 28 states of India, as well as 69 other countries – a testament to the inclusivity and global reach of Amma’s teachings.
Rosh HaShanah celebration with Amma
Apples and honey were distributed as prasad, symbolizing hope for a sweet and prosperous new year ahead
Vishu gives us the message of seeing everything and everyone as equal
Environmental initiatives exemplify Amma’s commitment to environmental restoration and unity with nature, encouraging contributions from people worldwide to make a positive impact.
Gita is not practiced to attain success through petty achievements but to make our life a big success
We celebrate the birthday of the Bhagavad Gita – the words of the one who led the most glorious life, our Sri Krishna, as Gita Jayanthi, to ensure success in our lives.
Let us all become the change we desire in the world
Children, may your eyes melt with compassion. May your heads bow low with humility. May your hands be immersed in serving others. May your feet tread the path of dharma.
Vishu celebrates humankind’s relationship with nature
A transformation should happen in man’s mind and ideology, in his perspective and actions. We should be able to live in harmony with the True Self, nature and God.