Category: Festivals
The whole of Vraj played tonight in Amritapuri
Amma started throwing Colored powder all around. It was flying everywhere. Amma then took and shot streams through the air – water landing all over the place – to more shouts of joy.
Keep hope & use hardships to rise
Only when one gets a few blows in life does one learn to look within. It is when we experience tragedy that the wish to learn how to transcend sorrow.
Sivaratri leads us to bliss, oneness with God
11 March, 2021 – Shivaratri celebrations, Amritpuri Excerpts from Amma’s message on Shivaratri Sivaratri is the night that gives us supreme auspiciousness. Sivaratri is a celebration that combines spiritual austerities, renunciation, fasting, devotion and knowledge. By worshipping Lord Siva through all of these, we attain supreme auspiciousness. This means becoming one with God. Lord Siva…
AmritaVarsham 67 – One World, One Prayer
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Amma, Amma has never been interested in celebrating her birthday. Regardless, for decades now, we, her children, have been meeting in Amritapuri to celebrate this auspicious occasion by spending the whole day in selfless service and prayers for world peace. As all of you are aware, September 27th of this…