Category: Messages of Amma

  • Sri Krishna: complete in all ways

    Sri Krishna: complete in all ways

    24 August 2008 — Amritapuri “Speaking about Sri Krishna is like introducing one to one’s self,” Amma told the thousands of people gathered in Amritapuri to celebrate Krishna Jayanti. The day had been filled with festivities—Go Puja1 in the morning, a procession of young gopis, gopas, Radhas and Krishnas in the afternoon, uriyadi2 until the…

  • Making Way for the Feminine for the Benefit of the World

    Making Way for the Feminine for the Benefit of the World

    Amma addresses Jaipur International Women’s Summit 8 March 2008 — Jaipur, Rajasthan Amma addressed a gathering of women religious and spiritual leaders at a summit in Jaipur today: “Making Way for the Feminine for the Benefit of the World Community.” The event was organized by the Global Peace Initiative of Women and held at Clarks…

  • Amma addresses gathering of Sannyasis in Sivagiri

    A Sannyasi’s Mind & Vision: Peace & Happiness for the Entire World 24 September 2007 — Sivagiri Math, Varkkala, Kerala It was a historic moment. Addressing an all-India assembly of sannyasis at the Sivagiri Math of the Sri Narayana Guru Dharma Sangha in Varkkala, Amma expressed her vision of sannyasa dharma. “A real sannyasi is…

  • Amma won’t let you sleep

    Amma won’t let you sleep

    God is watching over you 365 days a year. Shivaratri is the one night wherein we are asked to sacrifice and watch over God, taking a vow of fasting and maintain vigil at night

  • Start working to realise your dreams

    Start working to realise your dreams

    Mata Amritanandamayi Devi’s 2007 New Year’s Message 31 December 2006 – 1 January 2007 — Amritapuri “We are entering the New Year with hearts filled with hope,” Amma said one hour into 2007. “Let us sincerely pray that this year—unlike in the past—we don’t have to witness any more wars, innocent people being killed due…

  • Mahatmas never die

    Mahatmas never die

    25 December 2006 — Amritapuri Christmas celebrations in Amritapuri Christmas is always a special time in Amritapuri. Not only does it mark the anniversary of the birth of a Jesus Christ, but also—with so many people around the world having time off from work—the Ashram is overflowing with devotees from Europe, America, Russia, Japan and…

  • Amrita Setu: Connecting lands connecting hearts

    Amrita Setu: Connecting lands connecting hearts

    20 December 2006 — Amritapuri Salutations to all of you who are verily the embodiments of love and the Supreme Self. It’s been nearly two years since the tragedy of the tsunami. Amma can still clearly see the tears and hear the cries of those who lost their near and dear ones that terrible day.…

  • Religions must be separated from Politics

    A Re-Commitment to Spirituality for Building Mutual Understanding and Peace A Middle East-Asia Dialogue -Beirut, Lebanon, November 12-14-2006 Her Holiness Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi’s Message Om Namah Shivaya To the embodiments of Divine Love and the Supreme Self, Amma offers her salutations. Revered Aram I and distinguished dignitaries, let me first express my regret for…

  • Victorious beginners: importance and  meaning of Navaratri festival

    Victorious beginners: importance and meaning of Navaratri festival

    Amma’s message on Vijayadashami day 2nd October 2006 Amritapuri Navaratri is a festival that is celebrated all over India. The word nava-ratri itself means “nine nights.” We are presently living in the night-i.e. in darkness, in the darkness of ignorance. The Navaratri Puja signifies the removal of this internal darkness and the dawning of the…

  • Amma’s essence and wealth are her children

    Amma’s essence and wealth are her children

    Amma’s 53rd Birthday Celebrations 27 September 2006 — Amritapuri Amma’s birthday began in the Brahma mahurta with a Maha Ganapati Homa performed by Brahmasri Surya Kaladi Jaya Suryan Bhatathiripad. In fact, only two hours prior to the start of the homa, Amma was still out and about, cutting vegetables and checking into the preparation of…