Category: Messages of Amma
The map will not take you to the destination
Question: Isn’t it possible to reach the goal through proper study of the scriptures, without taking recourse in yama niyamas (the dos and don’ts for a spiritual seeker), meditation, selfless service, etc.? Amma: By studying the scriptures, we are able to understand the means by which we can realize God. From the scriptures we can…
Realized Master s presence is conducive for spiritual growth
Question: If God and the Guru are within us, what is the need for an external Guru? Mother: In every stone, there is a potential icon lying concealed. It is when the sculptor chisels away the unnecessary parts that the icon is revealed. Likewise, the Guru brings out the Divine Essence in the disciple, who,…
I have no other arms than yours
Children, God doesn’t have any hands or feet of His own. He works through us, through our eyes, ears and hands. So we have to bring him into our hands, into our feet, into our tongue, our eyes and our hearts.
Life is meant not only for winners, but for losers as well
Even if we are not able to create young people who always give, we should at least be able to provide the nation with people who both give and take.
Unity is Peace: Amma’s address on 50th anniversary of the UN
We may deny God, but the intellect cannot prove or disprove God. If the intellect were able to prove God’s existence—if the intellect could contain God within its grasp—it would only mean that the intellect is greater than God.
bring God into our hands, our tongue and our hearts
(from Amma’s benedictory address delivered on the occasion of her 44th birthday celebration) Countless people of different natures come to Mother. Many of them have family problems, most of which are related to trivial matters. If only we had a little patience, many problems could be solved or avoided. One day a couple came to Mother.…
Good actions bring good results, bad actions bring bad results
(From Amma’s benedictory address delivered on the occasion of her 44th birthday celebration) It is said that our life should be like an eye, for the eye has the ability to adjust its power of vision. Whether the object is far away or nearby, the eye adjusts itself in order to get a clear view. So…
Three values form the mantra for a successful life
(From Amma’s benedictory address on the occasion of her 44th birthday celebration) Children, all of you have gathered together here with enthusiasm and patience. If you are able to maintain this enthusiasm and patience throughout your life, total success will be yours; for patience and enthusiasm are the foundations of success. In some people we can…
Entire life should be full of happiness
Today is Tiru Onam; it’s a day of celebration, enthusiasm and joy. It’s a day when even the most sorrowful tries to forget his sorrows. Right remembrance is the remembrance in forgetting. While operating on a patient, if the doctor is thinking about his wife and children, the operation will not be successful. Or if…
Amma at the Millennium World Peace Summit
Amma at the Millennium World Peace Summit, United Nations, 29 August 2000