Category: Messages of Amma
Holding God above everything else in our life
The message of Vishu encompasses everything that is needed for living. It contains lessons of God-remembrance and devotion.
Make a spring season blossom all around us
Develop the qualities of patience, mental strength and optimistic faith to help us face adverse situations. If we develop these qualities, we will automatically be able to bring changes in our external circumstances.
Seek, and you will find. But our seeking is all external
We are told to wake up to our own True Self, and to arise and use the strength and potential within us. It means to become strong and self-reliant.
University students need to understand the pulse of Indian villages
All universities should send their students to impoverished rural villages or city slums for at least one or two months during their education. They would be able to see directly the issues and problems that the poor face.
Never lose your inner strength
We should maintain our faith, and we should never loosen our grip on the lotus feet of the divine.
Karuna-virus can conquer the coronavirus
The fragrance of goodness travels equally in all directions.
My devotee shall never perish
Bhagavan has taken the vow of protecting the devotee who completely depends on him
Things won’t work if we wait for others to change. Be The Change
Even if they do not change, we should be willing to change
It is in giving that we receive
the importance of employing a spiritual approach in checking global warming