Category: Spiritual

  • Even in the middle of sorrows, we can create  happiness

    Even in the middle of sorrows, we can create happiness

    Come what may, I will be happy

  • Attitude opens doors of Grace

    Attitude opens doors of Grace

    Do not waste the presence of the Satguru. We need to fix is our attitude.

  • Open your hearts

    Open your hearts

    If we just open our hearts, we will experience the fresh air of grace.

  • Tightrope walk to perfection

    Tightrope walk to perfection

    To develop vairagya living amidst all attractions is not easy. It is only possible for the brave.

  • Light the lamp of hope

    Light the lamp of hope

    Without succumbing to despair, we should light up our hearts with the lamp of hope.

  • Actions without attachments

    Actions without attachments

    Those who are attached to their actions will not be able to savour the joy of their actions.

  • Life is a lodge. Learn to check out happily

    Life is a lodge. Learn to check out happily

    The goal of human life is God-realisation. We are not separate from God. A drop of this awareness is already present in us. What we need to do is expand this awareness and strengthen it.

  • Zero to Hero

    Zero to Hero

    Arjuna had the attitude “I am a zero and Lord Krishna, my hero, is acting through me.” Such an attitude can convert even a zero into a hero.

  • When disciple awakens, Guru manifests

    When disciple awakens, Guru manifests

    Whenever we are ready to obey the Lord, and we approach Him with the attitude of a disciple — with humility, devotion, and shraddha — the God within us will assume the role of Guru, and lead us, holding our hand.

  • A thousand pilgrimages = presence of the  Master

    A thousand pilgrimages = presence of the Master

    It may be difficult, but we need to keep trying. Even if we fail a hundred times, even a single victory is a big victory. We may fail a test multiple times, but once we finally pass it, we need not take the test ever again.