Category: Sadhana
Reflections on the true essence of Meditation: Silence amidst sound
Her words brought laughter, wisdom, and clarity to the gathering, gently reminding everyone that true peace lies not in external silence
How to overcome anger
From Amma’s Satsang, Amritapuri Ashram Getting angry is like having a bad business where we end up losing everything. Actually in life, one should gain the Self (Atma), the ultimate “profit”. But when we get angry it is like making a loss at business. Our life is not a bubble, we have to remember that…
Maya doesn’t mean ‘non-existent’, it means ‘ever-changing’
21 August 2017, Amritapuri Ashram In a question-and-answer session in Amritapuri this week, a questioner asked Amma about Maya, often defined as “the illusory nature of the world.” The questioner asked Amma, “What is Maya or illusion and why it is so difficult to come out of it? I have been doing spiritual practices for…
Spiritual practices set you free
Monday, 7 April 2014, Amritapuri, Seashore Meditation and Question & Answer Question: Amma, how can I have self-discipline without being too hard on myself? Amma: Daughter, if you have the desire to build a house, what will you do? You will think about how you want it to look, you will sit with the architect,…
Spiritual investment will never go waste
23 May 2011, Amritpauri Every year before the USA yatra, Amma holds a meeting for all the ashramites. This is the time of the year when she shares her vision on the working of the institutions, point out shortcomings, suggesting the modus operandi we need to pursue and tips on sadhana. This year also was…
Amma on Lord Shiva
This is a select collection of sayings on Lord Shiva taken from Amma’s messages, talks, and books.
Walking Meditation: See Where It Leads You
Each day you will find the brahmacharis at Amritapuri slowly walking in single file around the perimeter of the bhajan hall. Some have their eyes fixed on the ground, some let malas of rudraksha or rosewood slowly pass through their fingers, others move with their eyes half-closed, clearly focusing on something deep within. All are…
Go beyond the mind
July 31, 2006 — Amritapuri Amma had been giving darshan in North America for two months. Regardless, the day after her return to Amritapuri, she promptly came to the temple to give her first meditation and question-and-answer session with the ashram residents. When Amma is in Amritapuri, the brahmacharins and householder devotees who live here…
Observance of customs, vows and rituals: Amma says
Acharas are Necessary for a Sadhak’s Progress “Acharas (observance of customs) are necessary for a sadhak’s (spiritual aspirant) progress. Just as there is a way to act in front of a policemen, there is also a way to conduct oneself before a Guru, elders or in a temple or holy place. Customs will instil a…