Category: Teachings
Action, Effort & Grace
We become receptive to divine grace through proper understanding and effort. For this 3 factors are needed
Krishna’s life is a commentary on Bhagavad Gita
Sri Krishna tried many times to prevent the war. Even though he met with failure, even after the war began he only advised the path by which the war could be transformed into an austerity.
Guru’s intention is to destroy the ego
Guru may not act according to the expectations and desires of the disciple. Desires and expectations arise from the ego. A true Master never nourishes the ego.
Celebrate your failures as well
If our mind is filled with the light of God’s love, all experiences -good and bad- will be able to bring us happiness. We will be able to celebrate not only our successes but also our failures.
Earth, The Mother of all Mothers
make a resolve within the heart to make all possible efforts with self-confidence
Become the hands of God
In a village there was a beautiful statue of a Mahatma with outstretched arms. On a plaque beneath the statue, these words were inscribed, “Come into my arms.” Over the years, the arms broke off. The villagers loved the statue and were very upset. They gathered together to try to decide what to do. Some…
Mantra given by a Satguru is always safe for us: Amma on Mantra japa
Amritapuri – 4 December 2015 During a question-and-answer session in Amritapuri, Amma was asked about the best way to chant one’s mantra. QUESTION: Amma, I like to chant my mantra aloud. I feel a lot of love and devotion and enthusiasm when I do that. But when I do the same by just moving my…