Category: Videos

  • Amma in Toronto

    15 -18 July Toronto, Canada After a 9 hour drive to the border, Amma crossed over into Canada, arriving in the city of Toronto where She commenced 4 days of programs at the Double Tree Hotel and Convention Center near the international airport. Acting Mayor Joan Robson of Halton Hills came to receive Amma’s blessing…

  • By dispassion, we can outlive situations

    By dispassion, we can outlive situations

    10 – 13 July,  Boston, USA Yatra 2011 Amma arrived in Boxborough, Massachusetts where she held a days public program followed by a 3 day retreat at the Royal Plaza Hotel and Convention Centre in Marlborough. In the retreat Amma told her children that “if there is dispassion in your heart, you can certainly outlive…

  • Mind need maintenance; awareness is the alarm

    6 – 7 July, Washington DC – USA Yatra 2011 Amma arrived in Washington DC, the capital city and political hub of the United States of America. She held programs over 2 days at the Hyatt Hotel and Convention Centre where thousands came to receive Her darshan. Many came to enjoy Amma’s bhajans and were…

  • Preserve water, fuel and future of our children

    2 – 4 Jul, New York – USA Yatra 2011 Amma arrived in the heart of New York city, also known as the Big Apple, where she held a one day program at the Roseland Ballroom followed by 2 days of programs at the Manhattan Center with the final day falling on the 4th of…

  • Everything is revealed in a still mind

    28 – 29 Jun, Chicago – USA YAtra 2011 Amma arrived in the city of Chicago to commence 2 days of public programs at the Westin Hotel and Convention Center. Devotees came from far and wide to receive Her darshan and to celebrate the 25th year since her first tour of North America in the…

  • Time lag between action and result leads to mistakes

    25 – 26 Jun, Coralville Iowa – USA Yatra 2011 Amma arrived in Coralville, located in the heart of the mid-west state of Iowa to commence 2 days of public programs at the Marriott Convention Center where thousands gathered from across the country to receive Her blessing and guidance. Those who came for Amma’s darshan…

  • Nature is doing a Tandava dance, create awareness

    22 – 23 Jun,Dallas, TX — USA Yatra 2011 Amma held two days programs Addison, Texas at the Intercontinental Hotel and Convention Center. Amma was welcomed to the city by Mayor Todd Meier who said: “Welcome, we’re so glad you’re here in Adison and thank you for connecting us to your world and to the…

  • Tie the rope of love for God around our waist

    17 – 20 Jun, Albuquerque, USA Yatra-2011 After concluding her LA programs, Amma inaugurated a the MA Centre in Redondo Beach in the South Bay region of greater Los Angeles. After satsang and bhajans Amma distributed Prasad to the devotees who had gathered for the event. Amma then travelled 15 hours across the desert to…

  • Amma in Los Angeles

    10 – 14 June , Los Angeles, USA Yatra 2011 Amma held 5 days program at the Hilton Hotel near LAX International Airport. Local council representative Jan Perry presented Amma with a certificate of commendation to welcome her as a celebrated humanitarian by the City of Los Angeles. Amma also inaugurated new MA Center in…

  • Amma in San Ramon

    2 – 8 Jun 2011, San Ramon, CA – 2011 USA Yatra A seven day program was held at the MA Center, Amma’s ashram. Apart from daily meditation, satsang and bhajans a three day retreat was also held. During a question – answer session one devotee asked Amma “why does Amma gets more beautiful and…