Category: Videos

  • Amma in New Mexico

    Amma in New Mexico

    During Amma’s Program, a lot of people from traditional backgrounds came to receive Amma’s blessings and to show their deep gratitude to Amma.

  • There is hope from LA

    There is hope from LA

    June 14 -18, Los Angeles — USA Yatra 2010 After ten days of program at the San Ramon Ashram, Amma travelled 8 hours across California to the largest city of the West Coast of America. Los Angeles is a world center of business, international trade and most famous as one of the “Entertainment Capitals of…

  • Welcoming to San Ramon

    9 Jun, San Ramon, CA, — US Yatra 2010Amma flew from Seattle to her Ashram in San Ramon, California, where she will give programs from the 3rd to 13th of June. Upon her arrival, the devotees of the San Ramon ashram brought two new residents to welcome Amma – two baby calves – born three…

  • Amma in Seattle

    Amma has arrived in the United States for her 24th annual North American Tour, which will begin in the West Coast city of Seattle. On behalf of Emerald City, Amma was welcomed by Debadutta Dash, Founder & Co-Chair of the Washington State & India Trade Relations Action Committee, and Anil Singh-Molares, Co-Founder & Board Chair…

  • Amma in Sydney

    Amma in Sydney

    Amma held two days of programs with satsang, bhajan, darshan and a Devi Bhava darshan.

  • A tribute to Sugunachan

    A documentary on Amma’s Father, Sugunachan, was produced and aired by Amrita TV as a tribute to his memory, after he passed away on 22nd March 2010. It is a 27-minute tribute which includes beautiful scenes of Achan with Amma and his wife Damayanti; as well as testimonials from swamis and his children. part 1/3…

  • Sankaracharya of Kanchi meets Amma

    Sankaracharya of Kanchi meets Amma

    “In this Kali Yuga, Mata Amritanandamayi is amongst us, guiding in the path of bhajans, devotion and service.” Jayendra Saraswati of Kanchi Kamakoti Peeth

  • Amma in Michigan

    30 November 2009 — Dearborn, Michigan Amma was welcomed to Dearborn, Michigan with traditional Punjabi music. During Amma’s five days of programs, several dignitaries came to express their gratitude for Amma’s visit and to share their thoughts on the significance and power of Amma’s message and work in these troubled times. Circuit Court Judge, the…

  • Amma in California

    16 – 21 Nov,  San Ramon, US Yatra 2009 Amma  was welcomed by devotees at the San Francisco airport upon her arrival in USA after her European Yatra. At the San Ramon Ashram in California, Amma held regular programs and a retreat. Even though it is winter and very cold, the weather certainly did not…

  • Through darshan I discovered a new universe

    Amma in Barcelona, Spain 11 – 13 November, Barcelona, Spain – 2009 Europe Yatra A enormous amount of people lined up several blocks away from the hall in Barcelona to receive Amma’s darshan. Even six hours after the program started, people were still queuing in large numbers outside the program hall. Amma was welcomed by…