Tag: Brahmasthanam temple
Amma to install a new Brahmasthanam temple in Manjeri
Amma to install a new Brahmasthanam temple in Manjeri, North Kerala on 23rd April .This will be the 22nd Brahmasthanam temple consecrated by Amma. Amma will also visit two more cities in Kerala as part of the 3rd leg of her Bharata Yatra. Manjeri Brahmasthanam Pratishta – 23 April 23-24 April 2015 April 23, 10.25 am Tazhikuda Pratishta…
Installing god in the temple & in the heart
10 April 2005 — Trissur, Kerala In the pre-dawn morning, admist the chanting of the devotees, the explosions of fireworks, and the joyous hue and cry of the panchavadyam, Amma installed her 18th Brahmasthanam murti—this one in Trissur, Kerala. Watch video: The murthi is being brought to the temple Amma installing the murthi
Brahmasthanam temple in Trissur
20 March 2005 Amma will inaugurate Her 18th Brahmasthanam Temple, conducting the stupika pratishtha on 9 April from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. and the murti pratishtha on 10 April from 6:20 to 6:30 a.m. The new temple is located at Amma’s ashram in Ayyantol, Trissur, approximately 180 kilometres north of Amritapuri. Trissur is considered as…
Brahmasthanam temple – Kalasha Sthapana
Stupika installation Thousands of devotees converge to witness the dedication of a new Brahmasthanam temple. As dawn breaks, Amma walks up a ramp to the temple’s peak, where a temporary platform has been erected. She is accompanied by a small group of pujaris and sannyasis who will assist Her during the Kalasha Stapana. The Stapana…