Tag: Peace day
UN’s Peace Day celebrated
On the occasion of the UN’s International Peace Day on September 21st 2008, AYUDH groups worldwide connected via the internet to pray for world peace and harmony. At 9am Amritapuri time the connection was launched between youth from India, America, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland and Finland. After a very hearty and happy greeting the youngsters…
International Peace Day to be observed
15 September 2005 September 21st has been designated by the United Nations as the International Day of Peace, a day when people of all nations are asked to come together in prayer for the peace and harmony of the entire world. The Amritapuri Ashram and all its branches and institutions will be observing this event.…
Observe a minute of silence and prayer
7 September 2004 — Amritapuri The 21st of September marks the 22nd Annual International Day of Peace. This year, the day’s organisers have asked Amma to participate, and She has agreed. It is the hope of the organisers that the day will find millions of people from all faiths observing a 24-hour peace vigil and…