Tag: Personality Development Camp
Youth wise beyond their years, meet wisdom from beyond
Amritam 2007 — Personality Development Camp 11 May — Amritapuri On Friday, Amma held a second question-and-answer session with the children participating in the Amritam ’07 Personality Development Camp. Before Amma began answering the children’s questions, she told them all that she expects to see some change in them after their completion of the five-day…
Questioning children can eradicate poverty
Amritam 2007 — Personality Development Camp 8 May — Amritapuri “What is the meaning of ‘Om’?”, “Why must devotees of God still face sorrow?”, “Was the tsunami a punishment sent by God?”, “Amma, when you were a little girl and your parents beat you, what were your thoughts?” These were some of the questions put…