Tag: shiva

  • Sivarātri is a Call to Awaken the Inner Siva

    Sivarātri is a Call to Awaken the Inner Siva

    Sivarātri is a call to awaken the inner Śiva—Amma’s message resonated through a night of devotion, bhajans, and prayers.

  • Siva is my very nature

    Siva is my very nature

    1st March 2022, Shivaratri Celebrations – Amritapuri Excerpts from Amma’s Shivaratri Message India is a land of countless religious festivals and celebrations. These festivals and celebrations support the social life of the people and increase their faith and ethical values. Among the festivals of Sanatana Dharma, one of the most important is Sivaratri.True Sivaratri means…

  • When we renounce the heaviest burden of our ego, we will rise to the plane of Shiva

    When we renounce the heaviest burden of our ego, we will rise to the plane of Shiva

    Lord Shiva is the supreme bliss and complete perfection of that ego-renunciation. Shivaratri is the knowledge ‘I am that perfection’.

  • Transform our life into Siva

    Transform our life into Siva

    When the mind is completely dissolved, Self-knowledge dawns and the realisation of “Shivoham” happens

  • Mystery of Life is Lord Shiva

    Mystery of Life is Lord Shiva

    Life is a beginning-less and endless river, constantly flowing and changing.

  • Keep the head cool, heart warm

    Keep the head cool, heart warm

    When many thousands of people remember the Divine with a one-pointed mind, perform actions dedicated to God, and engage in worship, the very environment becomes pure.

  • Amma on Lord Shiva

    Amma on Lord Shiva

    This is a select collection of sayings on Lord Shiva taken from Amma’s messages, talks, and books.

  • Legend of Alappad Panchayat

    Sthala Puranas of Bharat Shiva, Parvati & Subrahmanya: A Legend of Alappad Panchayat In the Alappad Panchayat1, district of Kollam, Kerala state, South India, there is a small village named Parayakadavu. This village lies amidst an endless expanse of coconut palms stretching along a narrow peninsula separated from the mainland to the east by an…

  • Legends of Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu

    Sthala Puranas of Bharat Tiruchirapalli (“Trichy”) is home to some of the most legendary and ancient temples in India, as well as to some beautiful stories and history. Here are but a few: Sri Rangam Temple & Uchi Pillayar Temple Perhaps its most famous temple in the city is the Sri Ranganath Swami Temple. The…

  • Lord Ganesha: his birth story, symbolism meaning and practice

    Lord Ganesha: his birth story, symbolism meaning and practice

    If we don’t honour the Ganas, then our every action is a form of thievery, as it is unsanctioned. Therefore, instead of propitiating each Gana in order to receive their blessings, we bow to their Lord, Sri Ganesha.