Tag: Sri Krishna
Gita is not practiced to attain success through petty achievements but to make our life a big success
We celebrate the birthday of the Bhagavad Gita – the words of the one who led the most glorious life, our Sri Krishna, as Gita Jayanthi, to ensure success in our lives.
Mahatmas are models for people to emulate
In order to awaken and raise the awareness level of human beings, Mahatmas lived their lives as models for people to emulate.
Krishna’s life is a commentary on Bhagavad Gita
Sri Krishna tried many times to prevent the war. Even though he met with failure, even after the war began he only advised the path by which the war could be transformed into an austerity.
When the impurities are removed, our Bhakti will become mature
23 August 2019 — Amritapuri AshramSreeKrishna Jayanthi Celebrations – excerpts from Amma’s message Today is the sacred day when the Lord Krishna took avatara on this earth as the embodiment of strength and beauty. He gave this world the message of courageous action and pure love in all its fullness. The Sanskrit word avatara has…