Come quickly, my darling children
26 – 28 October, Paris – Europe Yatra 2016 Amma’s previous visits to Paris metropolitan area were held at an arena in Cergy-Pointoise. This year, Amma’s program was in Paris itself, inside the Boulevard Peripherique. Her first program there, a Wednesday, was scheduled to begin at 11:00 am. But the lines of devotees waiting to…
Amrita University gets UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality
UNESCO chair on gender equality and women’s empowerment for Amrita University 27 Oct, Paris, France – Europe Yatra 2016 During Amma’s programmes in Paris, France, the United Nations officially made Amrita University India’s first-ever UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment. The official bestowing of the UNESCO Chair took place before an audience of…
UNESCO Chair for Amrita University
26 Sep 2016, Amritapuri – Amritavarsham 63 celebrations The Government of India’s Minister for Human Resource Development Prakash Javadekar announced the establishment of a UNESCO Chair for Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment at our own Amrita University. The Chair will focus on mapping vulnerabilities of women for a holistic approach to designing necessary solutions. Said…
M.A. Center Germany receives UN Award
The National Committee of the UN Decade “Education for Sustainable Development” awarded M.A. Center Germany as an official UNESCO Decade Project.
New York Welcomes Amma
9 July 2008 — New York City, NY, USA Amma was welcomed to New York by Ramu Damodaran, chief of the Civil Society Service of the United Nations Department of Public Information, and Anika Rahman, the President of Americans for the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). After garlanding Amma, both dignitaries addressed the…