Testimonial Category: Media and News Papers
The Times, Kuwait
“Recognized as one of the greatest spiritual social workers of the last millennium …’ ” The Times, Kuwait
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, October 10, 2001
“Her visitors in Bonn feel as if they too have received a generous gift. Walking away from being hugged, many of them laugh and cry at the same time and are totally moved..” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, October 10, 2001
The Irish Times, November 15, 2004
“Nobel Peace Prize winner Mr John Hume … (was) at the RDS in Dublin yesterday as Amma, India’s “Hugging Saint” dispensed free hugs to all.” “… Many came away visibly moved by the experience.” The Irish Times, November 15, 2004
Associated Press
“Ms. King called the Hindu woman ‘god in flesh’.” (Ms. Yolanda King, late daughter of Rev. Martin Luther King) Associated Press
Charles Haviland, BBC News, September 26, 2003
“Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam has joined one of India’s best-known religious gurus, Mata Amritanandamayi, in an outspoken denunciation of poverty.” Charles Haviland, BBC News, September 26, 2003
Khozem Merchant, The Financial Times of London, September 29, 2003
“Technology industry icons, management gurus, business leaders, India’s president, and 100,000 devotees from around the world…celebrated the 50th birthday of…a woman who wields considerable influence over the world’s second most populous country…Amma…sends a simple but powerful message of ‘unconditional love’ by hugging men, women and children.” Khozem Merchant, The Financial Times of London, September 29,…
Los Angeles Times
“…known globally for her charitable work and her emphasis on selfless service.” Los Angeles Times
Dallas Morning News, June 28, 1998
“Her message is simple: only through love can humanity be united.” Dallas Morning News, June 28, 1998
Wall Street Journal Sptember 22, 2003
“…Mata Amritanandamayi, one of India’s most famous living Hindu saints.” Wall Street Journal Sptember 22, 2003